

Since 1999

Blog posts : "General"

Day 4 Thursday COVID Challenge

Thursday - Day 4 - Thanks to all who are sticking with this - you inspire me! Okay so Jami and I were talking about it yesterday and we figured we should actually make a game of this - we will use this week to continue practising - whoever finishes up this week - til Saturday - will rece…

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Day 3 Wednesday of My COVID Challenge

Okay Day Three - Wednesday - anybody still working on their streak of ambition? I am scared to even write my goal for today - if you don't know what I am talking about - on Monday I started a game - to post something you have been procrastinating about doing and then do it and put up a picture that …

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Day 2 Tuesday of my COVID Challenge

From my Facebook post
Day 2 - This is no longer a game folks! LOL
Yesterday I posted suggesting for something to do while you are stuck at home - to choose something you have been putting off for a long time and just get it done. Very little response - I guess not many others procrasti…

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Day 1 My own personal COVID Challenge

SO with the ridiculous lock downs imposed by our provincial government, and me tending to be kind of a lazy procrastinator I decided to challenge myself to get motivated and I started a challenge on Facebook to get people to help me stay motivated - the challenge is simple - pick some job or somethi…

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